Applications and payments

Complete management of national and international policy procedures

A single platform to simplify and make more efficient application processes authorisation, settlement and control of payment claims submitted by farmers monitoring both existing and new environmental and sustainability indicators defined by government policies and in Europe, by the new CAP.

Exsmples of specific applications related to procedures

Grants allocation in agriculture

We provide the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) for the receipt of applications, follow-up of receipt, control, processing and execution of European Structural Funds/Rural Development payments under the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The solution simplifies and streamlines the processes of receipt, authorization, settlement and control of payment claims submitted by farmers by monitoring the new environmental and sustainability indicators defined by the new CAP. The Integrated Management and Control System for agricultural fund payments streamlines management processes by implementing a monitoring system for environmental indicators, which is valid for reporting on the results required for the disbursement of funds and structural indicators under the new CAP 2023-2027 in order to promote good practices compliant with EU objectives and strategy. In England  this has evolved to support the new models of Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Land Management initiative (ELM) and its Sustainable Farming Initiative.



funding applications


controls easier


validating and process payments

Examples of specific applications related to procedures

Fuel disbursement management

The solution is designed to manage fuel disbursement procedures to calculate, allocate and control the quantities of fuel at subsidized prices granted within the limits set by the Ministry of Finance to beneficiaries based on their characteristics and the work they carry out. The solution allows the compilation of the specific application based on the data in the company file thanks to the census of beneficiaries, land, crops, livestock, machinery, equipment, buildings, and much more. It manages the controls (with approval of Declaration and Consumption Requirements) and the preliminary investigation phase. It allows automatic calculation of fuel allocation based on crop type and recognition of crop variations on an annual basis and multi-year rotations. It is prepared for the issue of the dedicated booklet, both physical and digital. Thanks to a dedicated interface, distributors can consult the summary of allocated, withdrawn and available quantities at other distributors, register deliveries in the system and process the print-out (physical or digital) of the agricultural fuel delivery.



automatically controlling quantities of subsidised fuel available to farms


the fuel disbursement application


controls and preliminary investigation phase

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